There are many ways you can get involved with National Whale and Dolphin Watch and help us to understand and protect the UK cetaceans.
You can set up your own watch if you have experience in cetacean watching. Simply download our Sea Watcher App or print off sightings forms and choose a watch site near you. If you’d like to get the word out for people to join your watch email with details of your event and we’ll be happy to add your event to our events list on our website.
For those that haven’t done a watch before but would still like to get involved, we hope to run training webinars to bring everyone up to speed on how to record their sightings and identify species. Check back here nearer the time to register for these seminars.
During the event you’re welcome to join organised land-watches and boat-based watches. Nearer the time, details of events can be found on our website, or you can contact your local Regional Coordinator to find out if any watches are taking place near you. Please note: events will be updated regularly so keep checking back to see what is happening near you and during NWDW.
Remember to report your sightings either via our FREE SeaWatcher App or our website. Keep an eye out when you’re out and about, at sea or by the coast sailing, fishing, diving, hiking or just walking your dog. The sooner you get your sightings to us, the sooner we can get them onto the website to share with everyone.