We made it! Today marks the 9th and final day of our 2021 National Whale and Dolphin Watch and what a week it has been. This weekend’s cake sale has raised £100, brought delicious treats to many people and given members of the public the chance to ask us about what Sea Watch Foundation does and which dolphins they can see in New Quay. Thank you to everyone who baked, helped with sales and to all the kind people who donated or bought cakes.

Here at the Dolphin Hub we received many interested and interesting visitors including the Brock Family, who wanted to know about the differences between two of the Big Three of Cardigan Bay’s marine mammals – Bottlenose Dolphin vs Harbour Porpoise. They also took some great photos and selfies with Percy, our Harbour Porpoise model made from reclaimed beach litter.

The dolphins have been very busy today, with a mother and calf visiting New Quay harbour this morning and many sightings from Land Watches on the pier and from the Dolphin Spotting Boat Trip vessels.

We were even treated to an aerial display late into the afternoon, when a lone dolphin breached completely out of the water and splashed back down several times in a row, giving us great views of the length of its white belly.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated in NWDW 2021!
Education and Outreach Assistant