We started the day with 2 harbour porpoise off John O’Groats harbour at 07:43. Harbour porpoise were again seen at Duncansby Head at 13:44, at Dunnet Head at 16:04 and a further 2 Harbour porpoise were seen on the afternoon John o’ Groats ferry. 1 Risso’s dolphin was also seen at Dunnet Head 500m south of the head going north at 15:38.

Day 3 was a great day for minke whales. 1 minke whale was seen from Duncansby Head heading south at 12:54. Volunteers also spotted two minke whales feeding from Gartymore at 13.30. In the evening at 19:30 1 minke was seen at Duncansby lighthouse and 2 minkes were spotted at Occumster close to the wind farm heading north.
Although there was a potential orca sighting from the mainland, it was later suspected that this was a Risso’s dolphin! Shetland, on the other hand, celebrated an amazing day for orca sightings. Observers were able to see the #169 and the #65 pod with calves! We hope they will share their orca with us soon!
Our volunteers are still working hard and we are so proud of their efforts. So far they have done an amazing job living up to our ‘Responsible Watchers’ theme this year and are acting as role models for the ideal marine mammal watching behaviour to everyone here in John o’Groats. Today our watching efforts were blighted by strong winds which made spotting marine mammals quite difficult. We are just thankful that the rain is holding off so far (touch wood) and hoping for calmer sea states for the rest of the week.
Juliet Maxted/ Orca Watch Communications Manager