Welcome to Day 5 of Orca Watch 2021
After Monday’s thrilling sightings of the new calf for the 12s Pod spotted in Shetland, both yesterday and today have been pretty quiet so far. I’m delighted to say however that we do have some news to share so read on to find out more!
Orca Watch Live Special! Tonight @ 7:30pm
Meet the team behind the Scottish Killer Whale Photo Identification Catalogue in a pre-recorded film and live Q&A! You can view live, or later by using the free link here!
If you missed our Evening of Talks on Saturday, you can still watch the event as the recording is available to view. Learn about the Icelandic Orca Project from Dr Filipa Samarra and the links between “Icelandic” and “Scottish” killer whales. Hear more about these incredible animals in Iconic Orca: An Introduction to the Killer Whale with Sea Watch Ambassador Robin Petch. Meet Sea Watch Director Peter Evans and Sightings Officer Chiara Bertulli who tell us all about Orca Watch and the work of Sea Watch Foundation and our year round work studying and protecting UK whales, dolphins and porpoises. All this and more for only £6.50! Buy your ticket here.
A new calf for the 12s pod!

As this amazing photograph by local fisherman Ryan Nisbet shows, there is a new calf in the 12s Pod! This was first seen on Monday.
This breaking news was teased in yesterday’s blog, and announced on Orca Watch Live! by Hugh Harrop last night. The calf is believed to be between 1 and 2 years old. To hear more about it, you can access last night’s show here.
Sightings Map for Tuesday June 1st

The map shows two sightings of harbour porpoise in the Hebrides; 5 from Hebridean Whale Cruises near Port Henderson and 8 by Chandlerfish/HWDT near Low Stillaig. Stuart Cook Sailing spotted 7 common dolphin near the Isle of Skye. Bottlenose dolphins were seen near Kingston in Moray by Steve Adamson. The minke whale was seen by Jo Scaife and and Andrew Hawes from Strathy Point, Sutherland. Steve Truluck spotted a probable fin whale from Duncansby and he, Lucy Baldwin and others saw 15 grey seals from the John O’Groats Ferry as well as a lone Risso’s Dolphin only 200m east of the harbour.
The map can only ever show a snapshot of the daily sightings. For a full breakdown, visit our Breaking News Sightings Page here and for sightings already logged in the National Cetacean Sightings Database, the Verified Sightings Page here.
Risso’s dolphin near John O’Groats

We also mentioned two sightings from yesterday on Orca Watch Live! One being this Risso’s Dolphin, photographed by Steve Truluck.
From its colouration and lack of significant scratches scratched it is probably a fairly young one and was seen from the John O’Groats ferry and the shore by a number of people including our other on-site co-ordinator Lucy Baldwin and observers Joy Marshall and Lesley Hawkins. Lucy also reported around 15 grey seals during the trip,
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Learn about the latest research and discover whale and dolphin watching hotspots in the UK and around the world. Learn more in the Skills Clinic and the Species Fact Files. JOIN HERE!
Orca Watch Live! A look ahead!
Don’t forget to tune in tonight for our Orca Watch Live! Special all about the Scottish Killer Whale Identification Catalogue. All links are still active after the event, so if you’re reading this later, you can still watch here.
Other highlights include another Special on Saturday when we learn about an ongoing study into killer whale predation on seals. Sunday sees our Final Roundup when we look back at the highlights of the week and look ahead to National Whale and Dolphin Watch in July. All these events are free to access, simply visit Eventbrite and search for Orca Watch Online or click the link here.

Please support Orca Watch and Sea Watch Foundation with a donation to our PayPal Giving Fund here
Links to more information
Additional information can be found on our Orca Watch 2021 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/orcawatchers or our Orca Watch Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/orcawatch/ as well as www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk/orca-watch-2021/.
You can also follow our updates on Twitter and Instagram!
Thank you, and an appeal!
Thank you for being part of Orca Watch 2021. As I am sure you will appreciate, a great deal of work has gone into making this possible. our paid Officers have been supported by an incredible team of volunteers and partners, as well as a very welcome financial contribution by NatureScot through the PlungeIn! The Coasts and Waters Community Fund. However, Orca Watch, and the work of Sea Watch Foundation year round, relies on your support. Please show your appreciation by becoming a Sea Watch Member here, donating to our PayPal Giving Fund here, or why not Adopt a Dolphin here.
Thank you for your interest and support
Robin Petch
Sea Watch Ambassador